Paroles & Musique/Words & Music : J.Comolet-Tirman

Cette chanson a été inspirée par le film “Le Peuple Migrateur” mais aussi par l’observation des oiseaux dans la nature.
Elle est dédiée à la Tourterelle des bois Streptopelia turtur (un court extrait de son chant enregistré en 1990 en Forêt de Fontainebleau a été mixé avec la musique). Cette espèce présente la particularité d’être un grand migrateur, ce qui est peu courant parmi les pigeons et tourterelles d’Europe. Elle fait malheureusement l’objet de braconnage sur le territoire français durant sa migration de printemps.

La version proposée est une version “home studio“ (l’accordage utilisé pour la guitare rythmique est RéLaRéSolSiRé).

This song was partly inspired by the movie “Le Peuple Migrateur / Winged Migration“, but also by watching birds in the wild.
It is dedicated to the Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur (a short excerpt of its song recorded in 1990 in Fontainebleau Forest has been mixed with the music). This species is a fabulous migrant (one of the rare among European pigeons and doves). Unfortunately, it is also concerned by illegal hunting in France during spring migration.

This is a home studio version of the song (tuning is DADGBD for the rhythm guitar).


Wild wings in the european sky
(Wild wings, wild wings)
Wild wings so wonderfully built to fly
(Wild wings, wild wings)

A wild bird is born to fly
To spread her wings and to sing so high up in the sky
Not to be shot dead by a careless hunter
After crossing the french border

I’ve been flyin' over the desert sand
And I've been flyin' over the sea
I'm headin' for the green north country
Where my parents once built a nest for me

A wild bird is born to fly
To spread her wings and to sing so high up in the sky
Not to be shot dead by a careless hunter
After crossing the french border

I’ve been flyin' over the mountain
And I've been flyin' over the city
I'm headin' for the green north country
Where my parents once built a nest for me

I've escaped death so many times
Over the desert and the rough waters
I thought the french countryside would be a safe place to stay
While way up north spring is on the way

Wild wings, will they ever make it home ?
Wild wings flyin' over France

Will these wild wings ever make it home ?


Copyright: ailes-sauvages.com - 2006